Crossterm.jl: A Cross-platform Terminal Manipulation Library in Julia

Crossterm is a Julia terminal manipulation library designed to write cross-platform text-based interfaces based on crossterm-rs/crossterm. It supports all UNIX and Windows terminals down to Windows 7.

The Julia interface provides simpler interface with functions like:

  • hide()
  • show()
  • up()
  • down()
  • left()
  • right()
  • next()
  • prev()

and more.

See API documentation below.


Move the terminal cursor to the specified (x, y) coordinates.


Full C-API documentation is below


Represents key modifiers (shift, control, alt, etc.).

Note: SUPER, HYPER, and META can only be read if [KeyboardEnhancementFlags::DISAMBIGUATE\_ESCAPE\_CODES] has been enabled with [PushKeyboardEnhancementFlags].


Represents a mouse event.

Platform-specific Notes

Mouse Buttons

Some platforms/terminals do not report mouse button for the MouseEventKind::Up and MouseEventKind::Drag events. MouseButton::Left is returned if we don't know which button was used.

Key Modifiers

Some platforms/terminals does not report all key modifiers combinations for all mouse event types. For example - macOS reports Ctrl + left mouse button click as a right mouse button click.


A mouse event kind.

Platform-specific Notes

Mouse Buttons

Some platforms/terminals do not report mouse button for the MouseEventKind::Up and MouseEventKind::Drag events. MouseButton::Left is returned if we don't know which button was used.


Moves the terminal cursor down the given number of lines and moves it to the first col.

Notes * This command is 1 based, meaning [crosstermcursormovetonext_line](@ref)(1) moves to the next line. * Most terminals default 0 argument to 1.

crossterm_event_poll(secs, nanos)

Checks if there is an [Event] available.

Returns 1 if an [Event] is available, it returns 0 if no [Event] is available, returns -1 if error has occurred.

When it returns 1, that guarantees that subsequent call to the [crossterm_event_read] function won't block.


  • timeout_secs - maximum waiting time for event availability * timeout_nanos - maximum waiting time for event availability

Flush the stdout stream, ensuring that all intermediately buffered contents reach their destination.

It is considered an error if not all bytes could be written due to I/O errors or EOF being reached.


Print string to stdout


This function takes a raw pointer as argument. As such, the caller must ensure that: - The title pointer points to a valid null-terminated string. - This function borrows a slice to a valid null-terminated string and the memory referenced by title won't be deallocated or modified for the duration of the function call.. - The title pointer is correctly aligned and title points to an initialized memory.

If these conditions are not met, the behavior is undefined.


Print string to stdout


This function takes a raw pointer as argument. As such, the caller must ensure that: - The title pointer points to a valid null-terminated string. - This function borrows a slice to a valid null-terminated string and the memory referenced by title won't be deallocated or modified for the duration of the function call.. - The title pointer is correctly aligned and title points to an initialized memory.

If these conditions are not met, the behavior is undefined.


Instructs the terminal emulator to begin a synchronized frame.


When rendering the screen of the terminal, the Emulator usually iterates through each visible grid cell and renders its current state. With applications updating the screen a at higher frequency this can cause tearing.

This mode attempts to mitigate that.

When the synchronization mode is enabled following render calls will keep rendering the last rendered state. The terminal Emulator keeps processing incoming text and sequences. When the synchronized update mode is disabled again the renderer may fetch the latest screen buffer state again, effectively avoiding the tearing effect by unintentionally rendering in the middle a of an application screen update.


Instructs the terminal to end a synchronized frame.


When rendering the screen of the terminal, the Emulator usually iterates through each visible grid cell and renders its current state. With applications updating the screen a at higher frequency this can cause tearing.

This mode attempts to mitigate that.

When the synchronization mode is enabled following render calls will keep rendering the last rendered state. The terminal Emulator keeps processing incoming text and sequences. When the synchronized update mode is disabled again the renderer may fetch the latest screen buffer state again, effectively avoiding the tearing effect by unintentionally rendering in the middle a of an application screen update.


Sets terminal title.


This function takes a raw pointer as argument. As such, the caller must ensure that: - The title pointer points to a valid null-terminated string. - This function borrows a slice to a valid null-terminated string and the memory referenced by title won't be deallocated or modified for the duration of the function call.. - The title pointer is correctly aligned and title points to an initialized memory.

If these conditions are not met, the behavior is undefined.
