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Setup instructions


Install Python

Using Anaconda (RECOMMENDED)

Note: if you have previously installed Anaconda use conda update anaconda from the command line

  1. Download the latest version of Anaconda 3.6 x64 from
    • Windows
      • Click on Anaconda3-5.2.0-Windows-x86_64.exe and follow instructions.
      • I like to install it in C:\anaconda3. This is not the default location but it’ll make it easier to find your Anaconda installation later if you need it.
    • OSX
      • Click on Anaconda3-5.2.0-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg and follow instructions
      • I like to install it in ~/anaconda3 (default).
  2. Verify that conda has been installed
    • conda --version should result in conda 4.5.9 or later
    • Windows : pip –version should result in something like pip 10.0.1 from C:\anaconda3\lib\site-packages/pip (python 3.6)
    • OSX : pip --version should result in something like pip 10.0.1 from /Users/$USER/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip (python 3.6)

**If you do not see anaconda in the path string when you type pip --version, reinstall anaconda and check if the installation was successful. If you still do not see anaconda in the path, check your $PATH variable to see if the directory to anaconda exists.

Install git

Install a programming oriented text editor (feel free to use your favorite)

We will make extensive use of text files, so you may want a good quality, programmer oriented text editor. Feel free to substitute your favorite alternative editor.

Both text editors are equally excellent text editors.

  1. Download and install VSCode

See this page for how to install python extensions for VSCode.

  1. Download and install Atom

Option 2: Sublime Text (alternative)

  1. Download and install Sublime Text 3 from


An easy way to start the terminal is to press Command-space and then start typing Terminal in the spotlight search box. It will most likely be the first hit.

An easy way to start a command prompt under Windows 7 is through the Start Menu and then Search for programs and files box. Type cmd and it should appear. Under Vista/XP, use the “Run…” option under the start menu and type cmd.