using Pkg
# Pkg.add("Plots")
# Pkg.add("StatsPlots")
# Pkg.add("DataStructures")
# Pkg.add("HTTP")
# Pkg.add("JSON3")
# Pkg.add("DataFrames")
# Pkg.add("CSV")
# Pkg.add("CodecZlib")
# Pkg.add("Tar")
Dheepak Krishnamurthy
July 29, 2022
python, julia, rust, R
Are there trends in choosing package names in various programming ecosystems? Do package authors choose names for their packages that are alliterated with the name of the programming language? Let’s venture to find out.
First let’s install a couple of useful packages.
We can bucket
the package names by their starting letter and count the number of packages in each bucket, i.e. a frequency plot.
using Plots
using DataStructures
using HTTP
using Markdown
function get_buckets(items)
buckets = DefaultDict(0)
items = strip.(items)
for item in items
buckets[lowercase(first(item))] += 1
total = sum(values(buckets))
for (k, v) in buckets
buckets[k] = v / total
(buckets, total)
function frequency_plot((buckets, total); lang, kind="packages")
fig_size = (800, 600)
names = [k for k in sort(collect(keys(buckets)))]
colors = DefaultDict("grey")
percent = DefaultDict("")
starting_letter = first(lowercase(lang))
if kind == "packages"
colors[starting_letter] = "orange"
for (k, v) in buckets
p = round((buckets[k] - WORD_BUCKETS[k]) * 100, digits=1)
percent[k] = "\n($(sign(p) > 0 ? '+' : '-')$(p)%)"
ax = bar([buckets[n] for n in names], xticks=(1:length(names), names), fillcolor=[colors[n] for n in names], size=(1600, 1000), legend=false, yaxis=false)
annotate!(1:length(names), [buckets[n] + (1 / (kind == "packages" ? 350 : 500)) for n in names], [("$(round(buckets[n] * 100, digits=1))%$(percent[n])", 8) for n in names])
title!("Frequency of $kind in $lang (Total: $total)")
summary = if kind == "packages"
The difference in percent of names of $lang packages starting with "$starting_letter" and words in the English language starting with "$starting_letter" is $(replace(strip(percent[starting_letter]), ")" => "", "(" => "")).
(ax, summary)
[ Info: Precompiling IJuliaExt [2f4121a4-3b3a-5ce6-9c5e-1f2673ce168a]
For a reference case, let’s plot the distribution of words in the English language, per the list in /usr/share/dict/words
on my MacOS 12.5.
For Python, we can get the list of packages on PyPi using and get the names of all packages from the links.
r = HTTP.get("")
data = String(r.body)
lines = strip.(split(data, "\n"));
links = filter(startswith("<a href=\""), lines); # filter all the lines that start with a link
packages = first.(match.(r">(.*)</a>", links)); # get the contents of these links, using a regex match
packages = filter(name -> isletter(first(name)), packages); # get only packages that start with a letter.
PYTHON_BUCKETS, PYTHON_TOTAL = get_buckets(packages)
ax, summary = frequency_plot((PYTHON_BUCKETS, PYTHON_TOTAL), lang="Python")
display("text/markdown", summary)
The difference in percent of names of Python packages starting with p
and words in the English language starting with p
is +3.1%.
Personally, I’m surprised this difference isn’t higher.
When you install a package using Julia, it downloads a general registry into your home
directory, and we can traverse that directory only one level deep to figure out all the names of the packages in the registry.
general_folder = expanduser("~/.julia/registries/General")
for (root, folders, files) in walkdir(general_folder)
for folder in folders
if length(folder) > 1 && length(split(replace(root, general_folder => ""), "/")) == 2 && !endswith(folder, "_jll")
push!(packages, folder)
JULIA_BUCKETS, JULIA_TOTAL = get_buckets(packages)
ax, summary = frequency_plot((JULIA_BUCKETS, JULIA_TOTAL), lang="Julia", kind="packages")
display("text/markdown", summary)
The difference in percent of names of Julia packages starting with j
and words in the English language starting with j
is +0.9%. conveniently has a data-access page that links to the latest dump which contains a csv
file with the names of all the packages.
using DataFrames
using CSV
using Tar
using CodecZlib
tmp = tempname()
download("", tmp)
folder = open(tmp) do file
filename = joinpath(folder, only(readdir(folder)), "data/crates.csv")
packages = DataFrame(CSV.File(filename))[!, :name]
RUST_BUCKETS, RUST_TOTAL = get_buckets(packages)
ax, summary = frequency_plot((RUST_BUCKETS, RUST_TOTAL), lang="Rust")
display("text/markdown", summary)
The difference in percent of names of Rust packages starting with r
and words in the English language starting with r
is +3.6%.
For R, similar to Python, we can parse the HTML from
r = HTTP.get("")
data = String(r.body)
lines = split(data, "\n")
lines = filter(line -> startswith(line, "<td><a href=\""), lines)
packages = first.(match.(r">(.*)</a>", links))
packages = filter(name -> isletter(first(name)), packages)
R_BUCKETS, R_TOTAL = get_buckets(packages)
ax, summary = frequency_plot((R_BUCKETS, R_TOTAL), lang="R")
display("text/markdown", summary)