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Unless otherwise specified, you will need to install taskwarrior first. See for more information.

Manual ( Recommended )

  1. Download the tar.gz file for your OS from the latest release.
  2. Unzip the tar.gz file
  3. Run with ./taskwarrior-tui.

Install from source

git clone
cd taskwarrior-tui
cargo build --release

Using brew

This installs task from homebrew as well.

brew install taskwarrior-tui

Installation for Arch Linux

Use pacman to install it from the extra repository:

pacman -S taskwarrior-tui

Or use your favorite AUR helper to download the git package maintained by @loki7990. For example:

yay -S taskwarrior-tui-git # build from source

Using snap

snap install taskwarrior-tui

Using zdharma-continuum/zinit

Add the following to your ~/.zshrc:

zinit ice wait:2 lucid extract"" from"gh-r" as"command" mv"taskwarrior-tui* -> tt"
zinit load kdheepak/taskwarrior-tui