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Default Keybindings


Esc:                                 - Exit current action

]: Next view                         - Go to next view

[: Previous view                     - Go to previous view

Keybindings for task report:

/: task {string}                     - Filter task report

a: task add {string}                 - Add new task

d: task {selected} done              - Mark task as done

e: task {selected} edit              - Open selected task in editor

y: task {selected} duplicate         - Duplicate tasks

j: {selected+=1}                     - Move down in task report

k: {selected-=1}                     - Move up in task report

J: {selected+=pageheight}            - Move page down in task report

K: {selected-=pageheight}            - Move page up in task report

g: {selected=first}                  - Go to top

G: {selected=last}                   - Go to bottom

l: task log {string}                 - Log new task

m: task {selected} modify {string}   - Modify selected task

q: exit                              - Quit

s: task {selected} start/stop        - Toggle start and stop

t: task {selected} +{tag}/-{tag}     - Toggle {} (default: `next`)

u: task undo                         - Undo

v: {toggle mark on selected}         - Toggle mark on selected

V: {toggle marks on all tasks}       - Toggle marks on all tasks in current filter report

x: task {selected} delete            - Delete

z: toggle task info                  - Toggle task info view

A: task {selected} annotate {string} - Annotate current task

Ctrl-e: scroll down task details     - Scroll task details view down one line

Ctrl-y: scroll up task details       - Scroll task details view up one line

!: {string}                          - Custom shell command

1-9: {string}                        - Run user defined shortcuts

:: {task id}                         - Jump to task id

c: context switcher menu             - Open context switcher menu

?: help                              - Help menu

Keybindings for filter / command prompt:

Ctrl + f | Right: move forward       - Move forward one character

Ctrl + b | Left: move backward       - Move backward one character

Ctrl + h | Backspace: backspace      - Delete one character back

Ctrl + d | Delete: delete            - Delete one character forward

Ctrl + a | Home: home                - Go to the beginning of line

Ctrl + e | End: end                  - Go to the end of line

Ctrl + k: delete to end              - Delete to the end of line

Ctrl + u: delete to beginning        - Delete to the beginning of line

Ctrl + w: delete previous word       - Delete previous word

Alt + d: delete next word            - Delete next word

Alt + b: move to previous word       - Move to previous word

Alt + f: move to next word           - Move to next word

Alt + t: transpose words             - Transpose words

Up: scroll history                   - Go backward in history matching from beginning of line to cursor

Down: scroll history                 - Go forward in history matching from beginning of line to cursor

TAB | Ctrl + n: tab complete         - Open tab completion and selection first element OR cycle to next element

BACKTAB | Ctrl + p: tab complete     - Cycle to previous element

Keybindings for context switcher:

j: {selected+=1}                     - Move forward a context

k: {selected-=1}                     - Move back a context

Enter: task context {selected}       - Select highlighted context

Keybindings for calendar:

j: {selected+=1}                     - Move forward a year in calendar

k: {selected-=1}                     - Move back a year in calendar

J: {selected+=10}                    - Move forward a decade in calendar

K: {selected-=10}                    - Move back a decade in calendar