My personal thoughts and notes


Dheepak Krishnamurthy


July 24, 2024

Date Title Reading Time
May 19, 2024 The Basic Building blocks of Ratatui - Part 5 1 min
May 18, 2024 The Basic Building blocks of Ratatui - Part 4 1 min
May 17, 2024 The Basic Building blocks of Ratatui - Part 3 2 min
May 16, 2024 The Basic Building blocks of Ratatui - Part 2 1 min
May 15, 2024 The Basic Building blocks of Ratatui - Part 1 5 min
Apr 21, 2024 Effect of type inference on performance in Julia 4 min
Nov 20, 2023 Publishing documents with Quarto 4 min
Oct 23, 2023 Graphing CGP Grey’s Rock-Paper-Scissors YouTube Game 2 min
Aug 13, 2023 Julia Workflow Tips and Tricks 9 min
Apr 29, 2023 Visualizing roads in the cities of Canada 1 min
Apr 27, 2023 Using Makie with Quarto 1 min
Feb 26, 2023 Understanding variables and mutability in Julia 37 min
Aug 3, 2022 Installing homebrew in an alternative location 1 min
Jul 29, 2022 Programmers’ preferences for package names 2 min
Jul 12, 2022 Quickstart guide to using a terminal 8 min
Mar 31, 2022 Pandoc lua filter for alerts 1 min
Mar 20, 2022 Compiling firmware for the Moonlander keyboard with QMK 1 min
Feb 19, 2022 Sveltekit tailwind starter 1 min
Feb 19, 2022 Using Tikz with Pandoc 1 min
Feb 18, 2022 Using MermaidJS with Pandoc 1 min
Feb 15, 2022 Reinstall Xcode command line developer tools 1 min
Aug 6, 2021 Loading a Rust library as a Lua module in Neovim 8 min
Dec 25, 2020 Advent of Code 2020 Retrospective 53 min
Sep 19, 2020 My Unicode cheat sheet 12 min
Jul 27, 2020 Using pre-commit hooks 6 min
Jun 27, 2020 Three built-in neovim features 3 min
Jun 7, 2020 The egg tower puzzle 16 min
Jun 5, 2020 Drawing in ASCII 5 min
Jun 2, 2020 Neovim + LanguageServer.jl 2 min
Dec 16, 2016 Python 2 vs 3 6 min
Oct 9, 2016 Pelican margin notes with Pandoc 8 min
Oct 2, 2016 mpld3 networkx d3.js force layout 67 min
Mar 28, 2016 Raspberry Pi powered LED lamp 3 min
Feb 6, 2016 Neovim and Tmux 1 min
Dec 25, 2015 Using conda to manage packages 2 min
Dec 20, 2015 Writing technical papers with Markdown and Pandoc 23 min
Dec 5, 2015 Jupyter Notebook, Reveal.js and Github Pages 1 min
Sep 20, 2015 Spotify and tmux 2 min
Sep 19, 2015 Change $PATH inside vim 1 min
Aug 28, 2015 Uninstalling and re-installing Homebrew on OSX 1 min
Aug 18, 2015 How to add line numbers for code blocks in Pelican 2 min
Jul 27, 2015 How to install gdb on OSX 1 min
Jul 27, 2015 Emacsclient and tmux split navigation 2 min
Jul 26, 2015 Emacs workflow — Using Emacs in the terminal 4 min
Jul 19, 2015 Emacs tips — Close compilation buffer 1 min
Jul 18, 2015 Create using AppleScript 1 min
Jul 13, 2015 Patched fonts madness 1 min
Jun 2, 2015 Better git log with git ls 1 min
May 9, 2015 Vim, tmux and zsh — the productivity trio 3 min
May 3, 2015 How to set up a Pelican blog with Github pages 5 min
May 2, 2015 Fast track to being productive in Vim 2 min
Apr 30, 2015 Active, reactive and apparent power 10 min
Apr 2, 2015 Mac OSX productivity apps 1 min
Mar 22, 2015 Mac OSX Tweaks 3 min
Dec 13, 2014 Robotics 1 min
Dec 13, 2014 Geektool and Desktop Widgets in OSX 1 min
Dec 13, 2014 Tasker and Google Maps 4 min
Dec 13, 2014 Tasker projects 1 min
Dec 11, 2014 Home monitoring system 1 min
Jan 5, 2014 Welcome to my blog 1 min
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